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Steve King - Celebrant. That's Me...

I believe that a wedding should be a wedding regardless of race, sexuality, or gender status. Gay, Lesbian, Non-binary, or Straight, every person has the right to marry the person they love. I believe in marriage equality – love for all and yes, I'm more than happy to conduct polyamorous commitment ceremonies if that's your thing.


As a celebrant, I’m committed to your happiness by creating and delivering your ceremony the way you want it.


So before we sit down and chat about you and all your wants and needs, it might help to know a little about me.

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It’s no secret, I love my work. But for me, it’s about the real satisfaction that comes from working with clients to achieve their dreams. I think everyone has a mission in life and mine’s easy, if you believe in what you do, which in my case is helping people make their dreams come true, great things will happen.


For me, being a celebrant is an ongoing journey, touching so many lives and helping others realize their dreams. I’m happy to have been sharing this journey with so many others.


If you need to know more, just give me a call.

I'd love to chat and get to know you better.

I've been with my partner Patrick for almost 25 years and totally understand the joy of being with someone so special.

I'm always happy to help in any way I can and have a number of ebooks and checklist forms should you need them, this is just part of the service...

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"An Equality Celebrant for all of life's events"

Steve King - Celebrant

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Nica & Rock


Steve was the carriage that brought me and my wife to our wedding fulfillment. He assured us and made everything happen. His Assistance and absolute dedication to meet his client's needs is like clockwork. Things just fell into place. And the very best part was the ceremony which was delivered in a delightful and most professional way. Thank you so very much Steve. Nica & Rock

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